Air Cadet Ranks
Officer Ranks
All officers are addressed as Sir/Ma'am as appropriate. Officers holding the rank of PLTOFF or above should be saluted.
Wing Commander (WGCDR), NZCF
WGCDR is the highest possible rank in the NZCF as is reserved for one officer holding the appointment of Assistant Commandant of the NZCF. If a Sea Cadet or Army cadet officer holds the appointment of Assistant Commandant, then nobody will hold the rank of WGCDR.
Squadron Leader (SQNLDR), NZCF
SQNLDR is the first Senior Officer rank in the Air Training Corps (ATC). Officers with this rank have completed the Officer Command Course. By this time, they would have also staffed a minimum of 2 other NZCF Courses. SQNLDRs are highest rank a unit can have and will generally have 12+ years experience as an officer in the NZCF.
Flight Lieutenant (FLTLT), NZCF
FLTLT is the final Junior Officer rank in the Air Training Corps (ATC). Officers with this rank have completed the Officer Fieldcraft course. By this time, they would have also staffed a minimum of 1 JNCO & 1 SNCO Course.
An officer holding the rank of CAPT will often hold a senior position within a cadet unit such as CUCDR or Executive Officer (XO (2IC)). An officer who holds the rank of CAPT will have at least six years experience as an officer. A CAPT is depicted by three pips on their rankslide.
Flying Officer (FGOFF), NZCF
FGOFF is the second Junior Officer rank in the Air Training Corps (ATC) and have been commissioned for generally 2-3 years. Officers with this rank have completed the Instructional Technique and Training Management (ITTM) Course.
FGOFFs are junior officers with 2-3 years post-commissioning experience. Generally an officer holding the rank of FGOFF will hold a staff appointment within a unit, or in some cases may be the XO or CUCDR.
Pilot Officer (PLTOFF), NZCF
This is the most junior Air Cadet officer rank held by officers who have completed an NZCF Commissioning Course. After completion of the Commissioning Course, they will have a probationary period of one year and will spend that year in an ‘Acting’ rank. PLTOFFs generally hold junior staff appointments within a cadet unit.
Officer Cadet (OFFCDT)
This rank is held by Air Cadet staff or former cadets undertaking the pre-commissioning process and/or attending an NZCF Commissioning Course. An OFFCDT is identifiable by the thick white stripe on their rankslides.
Under Officer (UO)
UOs are cadets who are completing the pre-commissioning process. The UO rank is currently in the process of being disestablished to be replaced by OFFCDT. The UO rankslide contains a row of horizontal chevrons between two thick white stripes.
Cadet Ranks
Cadet Warrant Officer (CDTW/O)
CDTW/O is the highest possible rank that an Air cadet can achieve. Usually, a cadet holding the rank of CDTW/O will hold the position of Squadron Warrant Officer. A CDTW/O is addressed as Sir/Ma'am as appropriate.
Cadet Flight Sergeant (CDTF/S)
CDTF/S is the second senior rank of the NCOs with several years of experience as a cadet. They usually hold the role of Flight Commanders and will act up as Squadron Warrant Officer in their absence. The CDTF/S rankslide contains three chevrons (stripes) below a crown. A CDTF/S is addressed as Flight.
Cadet Sergeant (CDTSGT)
A CDTSGT is a cadet who has qualified on the Senior NCO Course and has at least three years experience as a cadet. CDTSGT are usually responsible for the duties of the Parade Night as DNCO and while on Parade, often act up as Flight Commanders.. Their rankslide contains three chevrons. CDTSGTs are addressed as Sergeant.
Cadet Corporal (CDTCPL)
CDTCPLs are Junior NCOs who have at least two years experience as a cadet and have qualified on a Junior NCO Course. They are responsible for the first-hand control of cadets. On Parade, CDTCPLs are normally used as Parade Markers. Their rankslide contains two chevrons. CDTCPLs are addressed as Corporal.
Leading Air Cadet (LACDT)
LACDTs are Junior NCOs who generally have 1-2 years experience as a cadet. The role of LACDT is used to supervise cadets and help with JNCO tasks in a unit. LACDT is an appointment rather than a promotion and not classified as an NCO however different units may implement LACDTs in NCO roles depending on the strength of the unit. LACDTs are identified by the single propeller on their rankslide. A LACDT is addressed as L.A.C.
Cadet (CDT)
CDT is the initial rank that cadets hold when they join an Air Cadet unit.

ATC Ranks
The rank structure for Air Cadets is based off the Royal New Zealand Air Force. The clear difference between the two is that the RNZAF is identified by 'NEW ZEALAND' whereas Air Cadets is identified by 'CADET FORCES'.
Rank Insignia of the Air Training Corps
The Air Training Corps rankslides are slightly different to the Sea cadets and Army cadets as the cadets / NCOs don't have the same colour as their Officers. While in their No.5 & 6 Working Dress, cadets / NCOs have navy rankslides whereas the Officers have pale blue.
Resource credit: FGOFF Messervy (CCCU) and A/2LT A. Kelland (CCCU)